
UNSW Staff Calendar Service

The UNSW staff email service includes a calendar service for UNSW staff and postgraduate research students to manage and share events.

These are the primary calendar (and email) services for UNSW staff and postgrads - available on the web or via an email client such as Microsoft Outlook.

For help with setting up your email client, see the UNSW Cloud Email website.

Shared Calendars

As well as your own personal calendar, there are shared calendars for collaboration in staff and research groups.

You can open shared calendars from within your mail client or the web view; you can also open them in Apple Calendar.

To create your own shared calendar, you'll need to apply for one from UNSW IT.

UNSW Public Calendars

School Events

Events such as the School Meeting and committee meetings are announced via mailing lists and not currently published on a calendar service.

Other Calendars

People or groups at CSE are free to create and manage their own calendars.

Free-to-use services such as UNSW staff calendars and Google Calendars make this rather easy.

As a courtesy, we can add links to useful calendars on this page.

Last edited by jbc 30/03/2020

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