A3 and Poster Printers
printing, a1, a2, a3, poster |
AARNET CloudStor
cloud, storage |
Accessing shared drives remotely
shared, drives, OneUNSW, VPN |
Accessing Your Files
home, directory, homedir, files, fileserver, sftp, upload, download |
Account backups
account, backups |
Account Classes and Groups
account, group, class, expiring, expiry |
Account Disabled
account, disabled, permitted |
Account expiry
account, expiring |
Account names
account, username |
Account not backed up
account, backup, treemax, buff, limit |
Accounts Overview
account |
Alumni Accounts
account, alumni, email |
Backing Up Your Data
backup, lost, data |
Book a room on Office365
book, booking, room, myCSE, Office365 |
Borrow A Laptop
loan, laptop, macbook, borrow, conference |
calendar |
CGI scripts
CGI, php, scripts, web, htaccess |
Changes Archive
Cluster computing
cluster, computing |
Computers Provided by CSE
computer, desktop, laptop, workstation, order, new |
Converting files to and from postscript
convert, pdf, ps, postscript, latex |
Course groups
course, group |
Courtesy and Collaboration Accounts
account, expiry, courtesy, collaboration, thesis |
Creating a website
html, web, url |
Credit Card Payments
Cron jobs
cron |
CSE lab map
laboratory, map, location |
CSE Wired Network
wired, network, DHCP, dns |
Disk Quota
disk, quota, space |
Displaying Postscript and PDF files
postscript, pdf |
Dual Boot
Extra disk space
disk, extra, quota |
File permissions
file, permissions, share, group, access |
Firewall |
fluxbox |
General Mail Lists
email, mail, lists, seco, eco |
Getting a zID
zID, guests, OSA, OSA02 |
Getting help
help |
Getting Software
software, azure, imagine, msdnaa, office, windows, vmware |
git, gitosis |
Group accounts
account, group |
Hosting services
hosting, web, virtualhost, domain |
Install an X server
Installing Windows Or Linux on your PC
Licence Servers
licence, licensing, lm |
Logging In With SSH
Login problems
account, password, login, disabled |
Macbook Setup
Macbook, setup |
Mailing lists
lists, email, mail |
Managed Print Service at CSE
printing, printer, mps, fuji, xerox, toshiba, recharge, PIN |
mathematica |
matlab, license |
Microsoft Imagine and ELMS
Microsoft, Imagine, DreamSpark, ELMS, MSDNAA |
alias, email, forwarding, lists, mlalias, redirecting |
myAccess, aaa, citrix, software |
New Person Form
webform, visitor, new, person |
Opening Shared Calendars in Apple Calendar
calendar |
VPN, openvpn, network, wireless |
OpenVPN on IOS
Out of paper
printing, paper, toner |
Personal domain
domain, web, htaccess |
Poster Printing
printing, a1, a2, poster, conference |
Really quick guide to VLAB
Redirecting mail
email, redirecting |
Redirecting root email
redirecting, root, email |
Remote machine access
remote, ssh, laboratory |
Resources at CSE
common, resources |
Restoring files from backup
backup, delete, restore, tkrestore |
Restricting web access
authorised, https, restricting, security, web, htaccess |
Robots txt file
robots, web |
Running Tomcat
Running your computer
selfadmin, linux, windows, network, printing |
Scratch space
scratch, storage |
Secure file permissions
file, permissions, security |
Security Cameras
security, webcam, camera, monitoring |
Self admin backups
backup, feldman, selfadmin |
Setting up Cyberduck
cyberduck, upload, download, sftp, ssh, home, homedir, files |
SSH authorized keys for course class accounts
SSH, class_accounts, authorized_keys |
SSH Keys
SSH, PuTTY, cyberduck, public, private, keys, course, shared |
SSL Certificates
SSL, certificate |
Staff accounts
staff, account, exchange, visitor, casual |
Storing Files
Student accounts
account, student, regz, tor |
Swipe card access
swipe, card, access, laboratory |
Test CGI Server
The Enrol Pageboy
email, enrolment |
ubuntu, linux, distro |
unipass, password |
Unix file permissions
unix, file, permissions |
UNSW Exchange Email Service
Exchange, email, OWA |
UNSW Letter Template
CSE, letter, head, template, letterhead, LaTeX |
UNSW Mobile Phones
mobile, phone, optus, lost, sim |
Uploading and Downloading Files from CSE
Uploading to course accounts
upload, download, SSH, SFTP, course, public, key |
USB storage on CSE Lab Computers
USB, laboratory, storage_removable |
User Firewall
firewall, network, port |
User managed groups
group, account, priv, umg |
Using IMAP
IMAP, email |
Using Linux At CSE
Vacation mail
email, vacation, autoreply, outofoffice |
Video conferencing
video, conference, videoconference |
Video Publishing
Video, Online, Download |
Video Recording
Vina cluster
vina, cluster |
Virtual aliases
alias, email, lists, mlalias, virtual |
VLAB - The technical details
virtual, remote, vlab, vnc |
VLAB shared sessions
sharing, remote, vlab, support, session |
vnc, remote, ssh, X11, graphical |
VPN, wireless, OpenVPN, PPTP, Cisco |
Window managers
gnome, KDE, fluxbox, linux, laboratory |
windows |
Windows Subsystem For Linux
windows, software, laboratory |
Wireless Network
uniwide, eduroam, wireless, wifi, network, guest |
zPass Keeps Locking
password, zpass, locked, disabled, unlock |