Poster Printing


The School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) has an A1 printer to print posters for research presentations and conferences. The printer is operated by the Computer Support Group at CSE.

If you email us a correctly-formatted PDF (see below), we can print it for you, at up to A1 size.

We do need a few days advance notice, as it's rather time-consuming and our other work has to take priority.

You should instead ask the UNSW Print Centre to print your poster, if:

  • You want a poster larger than A1
  • You want it printed same-day
  • The poster is not for CSE activities
  • You are not a staff member or research student for CSE

UNSW Standard Research Poster

The University provides powerpoint documents for research/conference posters. A zip file contains landscape and a portrait versions, these are A0 size, but can be scaled to A1 or A2 as needed.

The font for the heading lines must be Clancy, and Roboto Mono for subheading and author list.

The text for the poster should be either Clancy or Roboto.

  • Clancy: for headlines and intro text.
  • Roboto Light/Regular: for body copy.
  • Roboto Mono: for hightlights or to draw attention to information, e.g. captions or to emphasize details on layout.

You may need to download the fonts from the UNSW branding pages.

For a detailed description of the Branding Guidelines see the UNSW Style Guide

Preparing your poster

If your poster doesn't conform to these guidelines, we may be unable to print it, or we may choose to not print it for you.

  • Keep background colour to a minimum.
  • Your poster needs to be in PDF format, with all fonts and images embedded in the file.
  • Double and triple-check that:
    • There are no bad line-wraps, spelling or grammatical errors.
    • There are no low-resolution images that will look grainy full-size.
    • The poster title, author list and body text use Clancy and Roboto fonts.
    • The university is referred to as UNSW Sydney.

Choosing a size

Posters should generally conform to A series paper sizes, but the printer paper is actually slightly oversize. (About 1.5cm wider for A1.)

Let us know whether your poster should be printed to the exact size, or to the full width of the paper. In either case you may need to trim your poster after you collect it.

Getting it printed

Give us a minimum of two working days notice, and let us know when you will need to collect your poster.

Email your PDF to, letting us know the poster size you need, and whether it should be exact- or full-sized.

Last edited by robertd 31/07/2024

Tags for this page:

printing, a1, a2, poster, conference