New Person Form

If you are the supervisor or sponsor of a new person at CSE (except coursework students) you must notify System Support using the new person webform.

What is the New Person Form For?

When a new person joins (or rejoins) CSE, various departments need to make arrangements for them to get the resources they need.

The right way to start this work is to complete the new person webform.

Who is it for?

  • New Employees (except tutors)
  • New Academic Visitors
  • Employees or Visitors starting another appointment or contract
  • Research and Exchange Students
  • Anyone else who will be given equipment to use, a desk, building access, or computer services.

It's also for renewing contracts or appointments - Set the Type of notification field to Returning to CSE.

Who is it NOT for?

  • General coursework students
  • Undergraduate thesis students
  • Tutors — those are managed by CSE Teaching Administration.
  • Unofficial guests who will not need building access, or computer services like printing and Uniwide.
Last edited by robertd 12/10/2020

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