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CSE Documentation and FAQ

This site is the local knowledgebase for all CSE Computer systems, teaching labs and policies.

For general Program, Enrolment, Deferment, and CSE Course related issues, visit Engineering Student Support Services.

If you can't find what you're looking for here, or if anything IT related needs our attention, please let us know.

Working from home

For students and tutors
Uploading and downloading files from CSE
Sharing a VLAB session
For course administrators
Accessing course accounts

IT: The Basics

Shortcut links
UNSW Central Services
Your zID and zPasszPass affected systems
Connecting to WiFi
Reading emailOutlook Web App
Printing from your laptopRecharge your print credit
CSE Services
Using Linux at CSE
Connecting to your CSE Home Folder and managing Disk Quotas
Licensed software at CSEMicrosoft webstore, VMWare IT Academy
CSE Computers
Our Teaching Laboratories and a Map. Lab Timetable, Unoccupied computers
Videos on how to use CSE computers — YouTube Channel
Lab Usage GuidelinesICT Policy
VLAB virtual labs - Quick setup and Technical details
A common question
It says I'm over disk quota - what do I do?
Getting Help
Technical Support at CSE
CSE Student Services

For Postgrads, Researchers, Academic and Professional Staff

UNSW Central Services
Staff Printing and Commercial PrintingChange your Print Service PIN
UNSW Branding hub Branding Guide (pdf) Writing Style Guide (pdf)
CSE Services
Short-term laptop loans
Poster Printing
Getting a CSE computer - Standard modelsNew computer request form
Connecting to the CSE wired networkNew host connection request: webform; CSE VPN
Enrol your (new) Mac in the UNSW Self Service App
Keeping your computer secureAntivirus: Symantec@UNSW
Taking CSE/UNSW equipment off-campusCSE Equipment: loan form
Keeping your old computerAsset transfer: request form

For Academic and Professional Staff

UNSW Central Services
New person at UNSW ?OSA02 Contractor/Visiting Academic hire form
Licensed software at CSEwebstores: Adobe
Engineering Faculty Services
ENGineering Help one-stop-shop
CSE Services
New-Person at CSE ?CSE new-person: webform
Last edited by robertd 06/01/2025

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Articles in FAQ:

A3 and Poster Printers printing, a1, a2, a3, poster
AARNET CloudStor cloud, storage
Accessing Your Files home, directory, homedir, files, fileserver, sftp, upload, download
Account Classes and Groups account, group, class, expiring, expiry
Account Disabled account, disabled, permitted
Account expiry account, expiring
Account names account, username
Account not backed up account, backup, treemax, buff, limit
Accounts Overview account
Alumni Accounts account, alumni, email
Borrow A Laptop loan, laptop, macbook, borrow, conference
Computers Provided by CSE computer, desktop, laptop, workstation, order, new
Course groups course, group
Courtesy and Collaboration Accounts account, expiry, courtesy, collaboration, thesis
Creating a website html, web, url
Cron jobs cron
CSE lab access access, laboratory
CSE lab map laboratory, map, location
CSE Wired Network wired, network, DHCP, dns
Disk Quota disk, quota, space
Dual Boot
Extra disk space disk, extra, quota
File permissions file, permissions, share, group, access
General Mail Lists email, mail, lists, seco, eco
Getting a zID zID, guests, OSA, OSA02
Getting help help
Getting Software software, azure, imagine, msdnaa, office, windows, vmware
Group accounts account, group
Hosting services hosting, web, virtualhost, domain
Logging In With SSH
Login problems account, password, login, disabled
Macbook Setup Macbook, setup
Managed Print Service at CSE printing, printer, mps, fuji, xerox, toshiba, recharge, PIN
Mlalias alias, email, forwarding, lists, mlalias, redirecting
myAccess myAccess, aaa, citrix, software
New Person Form webform, visitor, new, person
OpenVPN VPN, openvpn, network, wireless
Poster Printing printing, a1, a2, poster, conference
Really quick guide to VLAB
Redirecting mail email, redirecting
Redirecting root email redirecting, root, email
Remote machine access remote, ssh, laboratory
Resources at CSE common, resources
Running your computer selfadmin, linux, windows, network, printing
Scratch space scratch, storage
Secure file permissions file, permissions, security
Security Cameras security, webcam, camera, monitoring
SSH authorized keys for course class accounts SSH, class_accounts, authorized_keys
SSH Key Files SSH, authorized_keys, passphrase
SSH Keys SSH, PuTTY, cyberduck, public, private, keys, course, shared
SSL Certificates SSL, certificate
Staff accounts staff, account, exchange, visitor, casual
Storing Files
Student accounts account, student, regz, tor
Swipe card access swipe, card, access, laboratory
The Enrol Pageboy email, enrolment
Unix file permissions unix, file, permissions
Uploading and Downloading Files from CSE
Uploading to course accounts upload, download, SSH, SFTP, course, public, key
User managed groups group, account, priv, umg
Using Linux At CSE
Using the New CGI Server CGI, php, scripts, web, htaccess
Vacation mail email, vacation, autoreply, outofoffice
Video conferencing video, conference, videoconference
Video Publishing Video, Online, Download
Video Recording
Virtual aliases alias, email, lists, mlalias, virtual
VLAB - The technical details virtual, remote, vlab, vnc
VLAB shared sessions sharing, remote, vlab, support, session
VNC vnc, remote, ssh, X11, graphical
VPN VPN, wireless, OpenVPN, PPTP, Cisco
Windows windows
Windows Subsystem For Linux
Wireless Network uniwide, eduroam, wireless, wifi, network, guest
zPass Keeps Locking password, zpass, locked, disabled, unlock

Tags in FAQ:

a: a1 a2 a3 aaa access account alias alumni authorized_keys autoreply azure
b: backup borrow buff
c: camera card casual certificate CGI Cisco citrix class class_accounts cloud collaboration common computer conference course courtesy cron cyberduck
d: desktop DHCP directory disabled disk dns domain download Download
e: eco eduroam email enrolment exchange expiring expiry extra
f: file files fileserver forwarding fuji
g: graphical group guest guests
h: help home homedir hosting htaccess html
i: imagine
k: key keys
l: laboratory laptop limit linux lists loan location locked login
m: macbook Macbook mail map mlalias monitoring mps msdnaa myAccess
n: network new
o: office Online OpenVPN openvpn order OSA OSA02 outofoffice
p: passphrase password permissions permitted person php PIN poster PPTP printer printing priv private public PuTTY
q: quota
r: recharge redirecting regz remote resources root
s: scratch scripts seco security selfadmin session setup SFTP sftp share shared sharing software space SSH ssh SSL staff storage student support swipe
t: thesis tor toshiba treemax
u: umg uniwide unix unlock upload url username
v: vacation Video video videoconference virtual virtualhost visitor vlab vmware vnc VPN
w: web webcam webform wifi windows wired wireless workstation
x: X11 xerox
z: zID zpass