Official Announcements
For official announcements to CSE or certain groups of people.
- cse-announce
- Official announcements to all staff and research students plus others. (Details)
Lists for CSE Personnel
- all-staff
- CSE Fixed-term and Continuing Employees: Academic Employees, Research Assistants, Professional Employees.
- Shared-services Administration Employees assigned to CSE.
- Current lecturers and supervisors (not including tutors), who may be casual employees.
- Not academic visitors, conjoints, unless they are a current class lecturer or supervisor.
- Not casual employees (unless they are currently a class lecturer or supervisor)
- all-academics
- Academic Employees and also Conjoints, Adjuncts, Official Academic Visitors.
- academic-staff
- CSE Academic Employees — Research, Teaching, or Both.
Not Visiting Academics, Adjuncts, Conjoints. (See all-academics list.)
Not Casual Academics.
Not Professional Staff, such as research assistants. - visiting-academics
- Visiting Academics, Adjuncts, Conjoints.
- lecturing-staff
- CSE teaching academics. (Members of CSE_Teaching account group.) Also other employees and visitors who are currently engaged as lecturers of courses, including casual lecturers.
- teaching-staff
- CSE Academic Employees (Subscribed to the academic-staff@cse... list.)
- Lecturers of CSE Subjects in the current term, including casual lecturers.
That is, members of class_Lecturer account groups. - Supervisors or Convenors of CSE Subjects in the current term, including casual supervisors.
That is, members of class_Supervisor account groups. - Teaching-Support Administration staff.
- Not tutors and Not other casual academics.
- research-staff
- CSE Academic Employees
- Research Assistants
- general-staff
- All General/Support Staff of CSE and Research Assistants.
- stu-reps
- The student representatives for CSE.
Lists for CSE Students
- all-csecourse-students
- All students that are officially enrolled in at least 1 CSE course
- all-cseplan-students
- All students that are officially enrolled in at least 1 CSE plan
- pgrad-coursework-students
- CSE Postgraduate Coursework Students.
- research-students
- CSE Postgraduate Research Students.
- masters-thesis-students
- CSE Postgrad Non-Research Thesis Students.
- ugrad-students
- CSE Undergrad Students.
- ugrad-thesis-students
- Students enrolled in a CSE undergraduate thesis course in the current session.
Lists Outside CSE Control
Staff at CSE will get email from UNSW and Engineering mail lists. Those lists are not controlled by CSE and do not use the CSE mail list system to broadcast email. Some examples of these lists are:
- — See above.
- — Faculty Academics, but not academic visitors, conjoints and adjuncts.
If you are not getting email from such lists when you should, there's probably a problem with your employment status with UNSW HR.
You will need to talk to UNSW IT and/or UNSW HR to fix this.
Lists You Can Subscribe To
- cse-media-alerts
- Alerts about media references to CSE. (opt-out)
- stu-general
- General announcements for students (opt-out for students)
- soc-announce
- General announcements for students from student societies. (opt-out for students)
Notices of upcoming seminars, at CSE or elsewhere.
These lists are moderated - approved senders can post directly; posts from others need individual approval.
Use the right list to reach the appropriate set of people:
- seminar-cse
- CSE staff and thesis students. (opt-out)
- seminar-unsw
- seminar-cse plus other interested people at UNSW - contact us if you want to subscribe.
- (This is the list to post to if you are outside CSE.)
- seminars
- seminar-unsw plus computer science groups at ADFA, USyd, UTS, University of Newcastle and UoW.
- Only CSE staff can post.
- cse-discussion
- Discussion of general issues for all staff and postgrad research students.(opt-out)
- cse-school-issues
- Discussion of school and computing issues for all staff, visitors, tutors research and 4th year students. (opt-out)
- stu-forum
- General discussion for students. (opt-in)
- linux-users
- Posts straight to
Staff Contact
Governance and Policy
- cse-tc
- Teaching Committee.
- rc
- Research Committee.
- cse-cc
- Computing Committee.
- cse-sc
- Security Committee.
- edi
- Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Group.
Emergency Control
For contacting ECO (Emergency Control Organisation) people.
- seco
- SECO (Sector Emergency Control Officer)(Chief Warden + Deputy).
- eco
- ECO (Emergency Control Organisation)(SECO, Marshalls, First-Aid Officers & Floor-Wardens).
Student Support Services (Engineering Faculty)
All coursework student services across UNSW are now handled by UNSW Nucleus.
They don't use email - you need to fill in one of their web forms.
For Postgraduate research enquiries at CSE, contact
CSE Administration
Contact: CSE Administration
- General queries about administration not related to more specific areas of CSE operation.
- Buildings, infrastructure and all non-computer facilities and equipment in the School
- Reporting all non-urgent problems
- Requesting changes
- Reporting staff arrivals and relocations.
- Finance
- Project budget checking.
- Budget checks on role hires (continuing, FTC and casual) and FTC renewals.
- Transfer costs between projects.
- Review of NPC spend at the project level.
- Purchase to pay
- Travel
- Casual appointments and pay claims
- Paperwork advice
- Non-order payments
- Account enquires
- Financial policy advice
- Petty cash advice
- Employment
- New and renewed employee and visitor appointments.
- Casual appointments
(CSE admin staff are now the first contact for most Facilities, Finance and HR matters since 2021.)
Computing Support Group
- ss
- Report problems and request help with Computers and Computer Labs at CSE
- printers
- Report problems and request help for printers in CSE
- csg-staff
- Staff announcements, etc. for the Computing Support Group - not for reporting problems or requesting help.
Research Groups
Artificial Intelligence
- ai-unsw
- General announcements for everybody involved with AI at UNSW.
- This list includes the groupies, students, staff and courtesy lists below.
- ai-staff-unsw
- All UNSW staff who work in AI.
- ai-studs-unsw
- All students doing an AI thesis (Synonymous with ai_thesis-list).
- ai-groupies-unsw
- People interested in the workings of the AI department who aren't in the other lists.
- neuro-unsw
- Local Neural Networks People.