CSE Wired Network

Connecting to the wired network

An Ethernet connection to the CSE wired network is available to staff and postgraduate students allocated a desk within the K17 building.

Unregistered vs Registered computers

Whether or not you register your computer on the network is up to you.

If you do not register your computer, you will be allocated a dynamic IP address whenever you connect.

If you do register your computer, you will get a permanent IP, a DNS hostname, and the ability to open firewall ports for incoming connections.

Registering your computer

If you want to register your computer, just fill out the online form.

You will need to choose a hostname - something reasonably short and not too generic (not 'computer' or 'hpnotebook', for instance).

Names of musical instruments or composers are reserved for our systems, so don't choose those.

(something like yourname-laptop is a good choice.)

The name you choose will be part of our DNS domain - eg. yourname-laptop.cse.unsw.edu.au

Once you submit the form, CSG will process it for you, usually the same day.

To DHCP or not DHCP

You should use DHCP wherever possible, so that your computer automatically configures itself to use its assigned IP address.

In very rare cases, you may need to use a static address our network (eg. a robot with a broken dhcp client).

If so, you will need to use the following settings on your machine:

IP Address
<supplied by SS when you registered>
Subnet Mask
Primary DNS
Secondary DNS

Please check with us before choosing not to use DHCP, as we prefer to avoid this whenever possible.

Connecting to the CSE wired network using the CSE VPN

An alternative method of connecting to the CSE wired network, via an unsecured network like uniwide, is via the CSE VPN

Last edited by jbc 03/04/2020

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wired, network, DHCP, dns